[UPDATED June 29, 2015 -- New sections and updated information!]
Before diving into this article, let's do a quick experiment! I suggest that just by doing this, many of you will instantly understand and feel what I'm talking about.
(Source: The track used here for the 432 hz and 440 hz sample is Setakamuy (Blanju Remix) by Tomoyuki Sakakida )
While listening to this, I suggest to ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you feel a difference between one and the other?
- How do you feel overall when listening to one versus the other?
- Where do you feel the music or in what part of your body when listening to 440 hz and then to 432 hz?
Ok, if you got a feel for what I'm talking about, then you're maybe interested in learning more. So what is this 432 hz tuning frequency and what is so magical about it? Here's a brief summary about it.