Monday, November 7, 2016


Voting is a game they play where they make us think we have a say. But in reality we don't. It matters not for who we vote...

Voting is a game they play;
Where they make us think we have a say.
But in reality we don’t.
It matters not for who we vote.
It matters not what side we pick;
They’re all the same, look into it.

Regardless of whoever gets elected;
But in reality selected;
They always do one thing, you know;
That is preserve the status quo.

Take off the face of president;
And look at policies instead.
With every new inauguration;
The same exact continuation.

And look at qualities they have;
They lie, they cheat, cause massive death.
They overturn entire nations;
And love their naive population.

They never really care for you;
They only care for their own crew.
They are all criminals in suits;
Endeavoring in their own pursuits.
We are to them just useful fools;
Who’ve been deceived and used like tools.

When was the last time that you knew a president really cared for you?

And then we’re told there’s a debate;
We watch it while our minds await.
And then we argue while reason weeps;
For acting like a herd of sheep.

We’re made to fools for choosing sides;
For reiterating someone’s mind.
And we don’t even realize that it’s their thoughts in our disguise.
Meanwhile they conquer us;
And we all divide.

One thing we need to realize is we’re the ones that they despise.

But nothing changes;
Yet we still go and vote?!?
Why do we play this foolish game?
Are we this mentally insane?

And then comes inauguration;
Filled with hope and jubilation.
Promise of something new sways in;
Yet it’s always fools rushing in.
Because with every new law signed;
Who really benefits?
Not you or I.
And why do always go to wars?
Whose interest do they then enforce?
Who are they really working for?
For those that profit from a war.
For those that profit from more drugs.
For those that profit from our debt;
And want to keep us all inept.
For those that want to patent life;
So that we don’t live but survive.

And then we turn to watch the news.
They always scare us so we choose.
With this illusion of a choice;
We’re made to think we have a voice.
Yes, our democracy is great;
We’re told who we should love and hate.

We are divided when we vote;
We’re made to choose and not construct.
We vote into a corrupt system;
That doesn’t give us any voice.
We’re simply made to choose from options;
Where there isn’t much of choice.

And can’t we really truly see;
That we are prisoners who think we’re free?
Our minds are chained but not our hands;
We blindly follow their demands.
We’re stripped of our individuality;
And programmed with a herd mentality.

We live in a society that has lost its mind;
And even more importantly, it left its soul behind.

Insurance that we’re forced to pay;
That rips us off from night to day.

We go to jobs we cannot stand;
And wait until 8 hours end.

We’re drugged with poison head to toe;
And think that that’s the way to go.

Our water isn’t safe no more and neither is our sky.
Our food supply is modified;
And laws that’d make George Orwell cry.

A police force that has lost it’s mind;
And is killing people on a dime.

Housing that we can’t afford;
We’re slaves to banks until we’re old.

The media is controlled;
Where manufactured news are told.

Forced vaccinations on the brink;
To ensure that we cannot think.

Schools that kill our creativity;
And teach us to obey.
When we question what we’re taught;
We’re disciplined away.

We’re taxed until we have no pants;
To fund the wars to their demands.

Yet the tax code was created to fund the biggest fraud of all;
A corporation called The Federal Reserve prints money;
And loans it to us all.
We are then taxed to pay them back with interest that they say;
Therefore the country is always kept in debt; 
And powerful they remain.

Entrapped in a cycle where it seems we cannot break free;
It’s very difficult for us to be.

Our lives are already tough enough;
We want to take a break.

The stress just overwhelms us;
We all feel what’s at stake.

We disconnect ourselves from pain;
From feeling that we’re stuck in vein;
By watching mindlessly TV; 
Or drinking, or on social media spree; 
Or playing with our latest phone;
While artificially happy we become.

Yet, on the inside we all feel;
This very life cannot be real.
That something here is really wrong;
What are we doing here on earth?
What is the purpose to our life?
To live, to love, to care, to thrive?
To be our destiny’s creators?
Or its unaware annihilators?
To be a number in the line?
To live our lives from 9 to 5?
Or be the ones to break this spell.
And realize that this is hell.

It doesn’t have to be this way.
We all can live a different way.

How we perceive reality;
Is what shapes and forms our own mentality.
If our perception is controlled.
We will not question what we’re told.
We’ll think that what we’re told is true.
And those that know this use this tool.
To shape and mold our minds at will.

But even further I will state;
What we perceive is what we create.
We are more powerful than we realize;
Our unawareness of this is their paradise.

The key here is getting in touch with ourselves;
And finding out what we are here to do;
Instead of just following someone else.

If we dedicate our energy to finding our purpose in life;
Our souls will guide us;
They never leave us behind.

Once we get in-tune with what we’re here to do;
Our feeling of having a purpose in life gets stronger too.
This feeling empowers us with a sense to be;
We start feeling that we have an important role in this reality.

Getting this feeling is an important key to being free.
Because this is when we realize that we’re creators that we were always meant to be.

When we’re in this state of awareness and empowerment;
We cannot be controlled.
This is when this corrupt system breaks down;
Because their power is then stalled.

This is why it’s important to realize that change comes from us;
And not from yet another politician;
Who’s in charge of disempowering us.

Individualism or collectivism is not the way to be.
It’s the blend of both that will set us free.
All political ideologies are flawed at their roots;
Because all of them still focus on their own pursuits.

Our reality smiles at us when we’re on our paths;
Situations begin occurring around us to confirm these facts.
We start to experience synergy in our life;
This is when we start feeling connected with what we do;
And we feel empowered inside.

We may even start to notice signs we’ve never seen before.
Some of them are called synchronicities;
They serve as reminders or check-points that tell us we’re going through the right door.

This may seem like a dream or some utopian fantasy;
Yet this is all possible when we are free to be.

There is a purpose to every single one of us.
We all play a key role;
We start feeling this more once we’re in control.

Every one of us is the main character in our own film.
Our reality is a construct of all these films inter-blended in.
We are all interconnected, like the Internet.
We control the script of our film with our own intent.

We’re all very different;
Yet we’re all the same.
This makes humanity special this way.

We’re perfect with our imperfections;
That is important to see.
Because of this we’re all unique;
Otherwise, we wouldn’t be.

Conflicts occur in our reality when we’re not playing our role.
Those that know this and use this against us;
Do this on purpose, so that they remain in control.
This is why we’re made to believe that we’re weak and powerless;
Yet in actuality we couldn’t be any farther from this.

They created this system to keep us in this state of mind.
Now it’s time to leave all of this behind.

Our lives depend on all of us;
To change this world and to break free.
Humanity is beautiful;
There is so much potential to what we can truly be.

Not voting is an important step;
Because it disconnects us from this massive trap.

It sends a message to this system;
That we’ll no longer play this game.

And when we make this big decision;
Our lives will never be the same.

Responsibility is with us;
We are creators;
Every…one…of us!

~ Our Solaris

Nobody for president. Voting is a game they play... Start leading yourself.